
#Beauty Tip Of The Day - DIY Water Based Drinks That Aid Digestion And Skin #Cleansing. #BeautyTips #BeautyBlogger

by - 14:36:00

Water is very essential to the body and its processes. Adding some herbs, fruits and vegetables in a jar of water will not only improve its taste but it can offer some added health benefits such as cleansing and boosting the digestion process.

Today i am sharing one of my best Water Based Drink with you, which consists of - LEMON,STRAWBERRIES,ORANGES
However you can experiment with more Herbs,Fruits and Vegetables Such As- Cucumber, Mint leaves, Berries ,Etc.

Drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach has always been a ancient remedy for weight loss. Lemon is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that amplifies its detox properties. It has a lot to offer to your health apart from its cleansing properties.

Lemon juice helps loosen and flush out toxins from the digestive tract. Lemon juice can help ease indigestion, heartburn, and bloating. It also helps to move your bowels in the morning, hydrate your colon, and stimulate bile production.

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