Beauty Tips - Complete Your Style With This Beauty Guide. #beautyskin #beautyblogger #beauty

by - 16:52:00

The season of dry, itchy skin is finally gone, and we’ve welcomed spring with arms wide open. Snow and extremely low temperatures call for a deep nourishing skincare in order to ensure enough elasticity, moisture and volume. However, since the warmer weather is finally here, you can forget all about layering serums, balms, and oils and switch to much lighter products that will give your skin a perfect glow.


Even though we’re not facing freezing weather and harsh wind anymore, you should still take care of your skin and moisturize it regularly.  Just as you switch from warmer to lighter wardrobe, you should also switch to lighter skincare products. Skin retains more water in the warmer months, so if you continue to use the moisturizers you applied during the winter, your skin will only be too greasy. Rejuvenating creams and serums are a great solution for fine lines that may develop due to the previously cold weather. Water-based formula is the best choice for those with oily skin. However, no matter how oily your skin is, don’t skip the moisturizer as a part of your skincare routine. The more your skin needs moisture, the more prone to breakouts it will be.


While moisturizing is paramount for glowing skin, you’ll have to prepare it for hydration first. After the months of cold winter are gone, the residual dead skin cells need to be removed. Therefore, make sure you exfoliate it regularly, with chemical exfoliants, such as glycolic acid. Scrubs are a great alternative if you prefer non-abrasive products. After the skin is exfoliated, it’ll be able to absorb moisture and any other facial products 20 percent faster.

Use lightweight foundation

Not only should you switch to lighter moisturizer formula, but also consider applying a lightweight foundation. The skin tends to become oilier in the spring, so don’t clog the pores with too heavy makeup, or you’ll end up with terrible acne problem. Therefore, take a break from the heavy foundation and go for mineral BB creams that will offer you a radiant skin and great SPF as well. Thanks to the mineral-based formula, the BB cream will nourish the complexion and protect the skin from UV rays and free radical damage.

Foot care

Winter tends to leave you with dry feet and rough skin on your heels. We often wear boots during the cold weather, and if they’re not as comfortable as they should be, calluses and thick skin on the heels can be a big problem. Therefore, it’s necessary that you take good care of your feet and ensure they’re ready for lighter footwear and sandals. Schedule an appointment at the pedicure salon and dedicate some time to pampering your feet. However, if you can’t make time for the salon, be your own pedicurist and have a treatment at your home. With the help of a foot file, you can remove dead skin cells and prepare them for a nourishing moisturizer. After your DIY pedicure, wrap the feet up with a plastic wrap and spend the night with a pair of cotton socks on the feet. Your feet will be smooth, gentle and ready to show it off in sandals the next morning.

As the seasons change, so should your skincare routine. The rich and heavy formulas you used in the cold months, won’t work during the warm weather, so it’s time to invest in more suitable products. Use lightweight moisturizers and makeup, don’t forget to exfoliate the skin, and take care of your feet for the best-looking skin.

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About author:

Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She's passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.” Find her on Facebook.

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