Fashion Exclusive : Model Olayinka Noel Talks About Her Fashion And Modelling Career In An Exclusive Interview With Linda Bella
Hello, Beautiful! Please Introduce yourself to us, telling us more about you & your background.
Hello, Everyone! My name is Olayinka Noel but most people call me Olay and I was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia. My mother and father are both from Guyana and I am the youngest of their three girls. Currently, I am a sophomore studying business management at Kennesaw State University as well as pursuing my modelling career every chance I get..
So when exactly did you realize Modelling was your Passion?
Growing up people always told me I looked like a model because of my height and look, but my true passion for modeling came around the age of 14 when I entered my first modeling competition. My mother and I were walking around the mall one day and saw an advertisement about it so we decided to give it a shot. I was extremely nervous at first but quickly got the hang of my runway walk and how to pose during a photoshoot. I ended up winning first place as well as modeling contract from this competition! That experience made me realize I had something special and I have been in love with the art of modeling ever since.
Who are some of your favorite models and designers, and why?
My all-time favorite model would have to be Tyra Banks. I love the energy and confidence she brings to the catwalk and it amazes me how she manages to reinvent herself and stay relevant to the public. My next favorite models would be between Adriana Lima and Joan Smalls. Adriana has the power to capture anyone’s attention with those eyes and subtle sexiness that come so naturally, I am still waiting on a bad picture of her, Joan Smalls is my inspiration and motivation to never give up in this industry. She taught me that you will get shot down many more times than chosen, but if you really want it you’ll get back up again for the right person to see you. My favorite designers are Vera Wang and Chanel because of the sophistication and classic pieces they create while my love for Alexander McQueen comes from his creativity and original masterpieces.
What’s your fashion mantra?
I would like to think of myself as a sort of fashion chameleon. I do my best to mix my style up every day so I don’t get bored with myself. I have my bohemian summer days, my exotic goddess days, one day I may be in jeans and a t-shirt with a pair of kicks and the next day all glamour. It depends on how I feel when I wake up, the activities for the day, and most importantly the weather, but I am happiest when I put a lot of effort into my image for that day which may result in taking hours to get ready lol. I say if you work hard every day to get where you want to be, it is impossible to fail!
What is fun and rewarding about modelling?
Everything! Becoming a model could just be a fun way to make some extra money, but I love that I get to interact with all the creative and interesting people in the art world and the fashion industry. If your career takes off you could be travelling all over the world and meeting other models as well as celebrities. Although some think the model life is a short one, you could not receive all the perks a career in modelling offers you anywhere else.
What advice do you have for other aspiring models?
Young girls write me and ask me for advice on how to be successful in this industry and the one thing I stress the most to them is to stay focused. You can have all the talent, beauty and good looks in the world but if you do not perfect your craft you will be just like every other pretty face out there. Another important trait to have is always being prepared. People meet new people everyday and you never know who you’ll run into or who is already watching you from a distance just make sure you do your part by always being prepared so that opportunity does not pass you by because it may not come again. Always stay confident and most importantly true to yourself!
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Photo|MIANIK |
How would you describe working with the photographer & Who are some of your favorite fashion photographers?
I have worked with several photographers and there is nothing like one who understands and really enjoys their job and coming to work every day. It shows through the art they create. There are two photographers I can say show me that every time I have worked with them and they are Drexina Nelson and Elvis Piedra. Drexina always has a beautiful smile on her face even when everyone else is half asleep on those early morning shoots and makes sure everyone is comfortable before she begins. Elvis creates the most beautiful images I have ever seen and gives excellent direction to his models while on set. One photographer, I hope to work within the near future is Robert Voltaire. His photographs speak to me and I would be honored to be apart of his portfolio (fingers crossed).
What kind of modelling are you interested in & why?
I LOVE every type of modelling but my most favorite is the runway. I danced often growing up so walking was easy for me to pick up on and I also practice it every day so there’s no room for forgetting. But Because I am on the shorter side in the modelling industry, the runway is more difficult to get into so I am interested in strengthening my editorial and commercial modelling skills.
who or what inspires you?
My mother inspires and motivates me to do better every day! She left her entire family and came to America to give my sisters and I a better life, therefore I feel it is my duty to give her a better life and pay her back for all the sacrifices she’s made for me. No matter what obstacles face her she always gets through it and that shows me nothing is impossible as long as you stay focused and determined.
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Photo By- Mr Uche Jeno |
What is your Philosophy?
I believe that each person is placed on this Earth to fulfill his or her own destiny. No one knows what one another’s purpose is because only God knows and they can feel it within themselves
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