Beauty : Exclusive Interview With Jill Caputo [OTSM'S Best Female Hair And Beauty Entrepreneur Of The Month]

by - 14:32:00

Jill Caputo is a Hair, Beauty & Skincare Expert, She is an Experienced Independent Consultant with a leading Luxury Hair and Skincare company called [Monat], She is also the Managing Market Mentor.
She has demonstrated a history of working in the automotive industry in sales, book-keeping, marketing and advertising, She is also highly skilled in Sales and Strategic Planning. 
She is a strong consulting professional with a Bachelor's degree focused on Family and Consumer Sciences. When I first connected with Jill, I thought to myself, what a wonderful
woman with beautiful vibes and energy, she has now got me hooked on "Monat" and I know this beautiful soul is heading to greater heights. [Read Her Full Interview Below]

Tell us a little bit more about Jill, who is she and what does she do?
I am Jill Caputo, I have been married for over 26 years and have 3 children, ( 2 beautiful girls and a boy). My children are all adults now and it has taken me into my next chapter of life. I am going to have an empty nest (soon because my son is graduating High School in June) I have found my passion in my 50's with my new venture with Monat, which is an anti-ageing, hair and skincare line. I enjoy going to the beach in the summer, going out to dinner with my husband and friends. I enjoy a nice glass of Pinot Grigio on the weekends and love to spend time with family, vacationing all over the world.  For me, Life is just beginning in my 50's. I am truly blessed to have the support from my husband and family since joining Monat.
How do you start your day?
From the second I wake up, I check my phone for messages, my emails, and scroll through Facebook and Instagram to see what my friends and family are up to.  I then take my miniature dachshund Henry downstairs and let him outside and feed him. Then I start creating content, reaching out to potential customers, and placing any orders for the day for my online business.
What’s your best strategy on how to stay focused? 
In order to stay focused, I try to write down what has to be done each day. Once that task is finished, I check it off. I try to do a power hour daily which breaks down 60 minutes into several tasks to work my business efficiently.
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work in the Beauty industry and what inspired you to join the Monat Family?
My amazing uplines inspire me daily by listening to zoom calls, getting on training calls, listening to suggested self-development podcasts, etc. What inspired me to Join Monat was my youngest daughter Kayla. She started the business 6 months prior to my joining as I was just her VIP customer at first. Once I saw her success and obviously my own hair transformation, I knew I had to jump in!!
What was your first business idea and what did you do with it? 
My first business idea was to have a launch party. I called it a Wine and Wash.  I invited all my girlfriends over and we mixed and mingled over some cocktails and light bites. Then we had a display table of all the products where we discussed the business side as well as the consumer side. I had a volunteer who agreed to have her hair washed, blow-dried, and styled so she could witness first-hand how great the products work.
What’s the best advice you ever took? 
The best advice I ever took was to get over my damn self, Stop worrying about what others think of you. They don’t pay your bills, so do not be afraid to post, or reach out to introduce your business with fear of rejection.
What’s a productivity tip you swear by? 
Show up every day, Every SINGLE day no matter what. When you show up, you GO UP!!  Stay consistent, stay committed, stay on top of your business.
Is there an app or tool you use in a surprising way to get things done or stay on track? 
I use several apps to create content such as word swag or story swag, story art, Picollage, Canva and more.  As far as tracking my business, I use Stride app to help with tax write-offs. I enter all my receipts for my business and keep it organized for the end of the year.  I use Calendly app to block out certain times of the day for my biz partners to schedule calls with me for a one on one. This allows me to plan out my week, knowing I have a call on a certain day to discuss business.
When you’re faced with a creativity block, what’s your strategy to get innovating? 
I usually google different things like motivational posts, captions, or look up social media calendars which give you different ideas of what to post about daily. I try to see what other successful women are posting and emulate it but at the same time keeping it my own and not just using their posts.
5 Beauty tips you swear by? 
Wash your face every morning and every night.
Never go to bed with your makeup on. 
Try and do a facial mask 1-2 times a week. 
I swear by overnight oil treatments for my scalp health. 
It is so beneficial for your scalp as well as keeping your hair healthy and shiny.

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