EDITORIAL: Exclusive Interview With Portrait And Fine Art Photographer Jovana Rikalo.
Today we give you an insight into the whimsical world of Jovana Rikalo's fine art photography.I am always amazed by the depth of Jovana's work and the idea behind each concept/Photoshoot. Jovana teaches multiple workshops and she is a great educator. She wows us every day by producing stunning and evocative images. Her work encourages viewers to dive into a dreamy storyline as it offers you an escape from everyday life.
My name is Jovana Rikalo and I am based in Serbia. I was studying law when I discovered how much passion and love I had for photography. I discovered a website called Flickr and it made me try creating art series with emotions. After a year of trying, I finally found myself and realized that I wanted to create and work with people.
OTSM: At what age did you discover you had a passion for photography?
I was 24 at the time I discovered Flickr, I saw so many talented photographers create amazing photos, and I decided that I wanted to give myself a chance to create something amazing.
OTSM: In your own words please describe your style as a photographer?
One Word "Fine Art". My work is full of emotions, fairy tales, magic and artistic finish. I love showing what is happening in life but more with a magical touch. I am also attracted to Portrait photography because I can portray a close-up emotion. One thing with Close-Up shots you are able to see the features clearly, up close and personal and you know what they say about the Eyes - "Eyes speak".
OTSM: Do you remember your first experience with the Camera?
Yes!!, and it wasn't pleasant haha. I had a really hard time focusing and finding the right angle. If only I had known that I have to relax, keep calm, then do what my body and mind say, it would have been much easier. People think too much about what they have to do. My advice today - Don't overthink!
OTSM: How big a role does photography play in your life?
A big one. It has become my life, my career. It's my full-time job. Photography helps me to see things clearly and to express my own thoughts through the creative process.
OTSM: How do you get inspired? And what inspires you the most? Movies, books, or magazines? Or is it just what’s around you?
I trained my mind to the point where I can see inspiration everywhere. Mostly, I am inspired by nature, people, and life. Every situation that is happening, good or bad, awakens some emotion in me.
OTSM: Personally I love photography and creating unusual concepts, I see it as an escape, a way to express what and how I am feeling at that very time. So, in a few words, what does photography mean to you?
Photography helps me to express my emotions, good or bad through photos. I feel like I am telling a story. Everybody understands the story differently, but every time I look at my work, I have the same feeling and emotion I had when I was going through that period in life.

OTSM: I fell in love with you and your personality when you once said these words "I want to continue dreaming because that is my source of breathing. a Camera is just a tool where I capture the moments", Could you explain why you use the word “Dreaming” to describe your photography/Art and please elaborate on what this means to you as a photographer and how it influences your thinking when it comes to picture taking?
When we dream we create. Dreaming is letting your imagination go out of your body and you have the freedom to create whatever you want. If you stick to the rules, you can't create art. Dreaming is breathing and creating together at the same time.
OTSM: What advice would you give to aspiring photographers out there?
Relax, don't force yourself to do something just because someone else doing it. We all have our own path and make sure you wait to see what your direction is because we all have different destinations.
OTSM: If you could change one thing about the photography industry, what would it be? What would you improve?
Rules! People follow rules so much. Yes, in some segments it's important to follow rules but please, don't get stuck on them. We have to give people freedom.
OTSM: I am a huge believer in using one's platform to spread love, light, and positive vibes and this is the same energy I get when I see your work it makes me feel certain emotions, tell us what is the most challenging part of being a fine art photographer?
The most challenging part would be when it comes to awakening emotion in people. People can look at photos multiple times but they will feel emotion only once. It's all about knowing how to tell a story through photography.
OTSM: What are some of the biggest hurdles you have been faced with as a photographer and how did you overcome them?
The hurdles would be when it comes to created how and what I wanted to create. To be able to make a scene turn out how I imagined it in my head. How do I overcome it? With lots of practice and photo shootings.
OTSM: What was the first-ever photography gear you used when it comes to photoshoots and What is your current favorite photography gear - what do you always have in your photography Bag/Kit?
I started with a small camera pocket and later I upgraded to a Canon 600D. Now I use the Canon 5d Mark IV and I love it! My favorite lens is Sigma 105 mm f 1.4.
OTSM: What has been the highlight of your career as a photographer?
I worked with Disney Weddings. It was a dream come true! I love fairytales and this was the biggest fairytale that happened to me! Another highlight is the ability to talk on a big stage to a large audience filled with amazing people and sharing my knowledge with them.

OTSM: This is a question I always love to ask my Queens during interviews what does the word “Women Empowerment “mean to you?
The ability to show the power of every human being including women! I really love to photograph women and portray different stories and concepts with them.
OTSM: When it comes to post-production what tools do you use, and what would you recommend to upcoming photographers?
I use photoshop, sometimes lightroom, and Wacom Intuos Pro tablet.
OTSM: What was the most surreal moment you ever experienced during a photography shoot?
Working with majestic animals such as barn owls, white reindeer, and many others. I really love animals and every experience with them is so magnificent!
OTSM: What are you doing when you are not working?
I always work haha!. I love reading books, enjoying nature, walking my dog, and spending time with my family.
OTSM: What are your latest and upcoming projects?
The latest project I did was from the recent workshop, It was a photoshoot with a beautiful model wearing a crown and the next project will be with a little cute fawn :) Stay Tuned.
OTSM: Any last words for your fans and dreamers out there?
Don't be afraid to dream, never ever be afraid to chase your dreams! :)
To See More Of Jovana Rikalo's Beautiful Work Visit Her Website.
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