Spotlight Feature: Exclusive Interview With Male Fashion Model Misael Oliveira Duarte.
Discover our latest exclusive interview starring Fashion Model Misael Oliveira Duarte cover Image lensed by Marlon Schmeiski.
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Photographer| Marlon Schmeiski |
Tell Us more about yourself and your personal Background.
First of all, I want to thank you for the invitation, I'm very happy, let's go! My name is Misael De Oliveira Duarte. I am 23 years old, I was born in Paraguay, I was born in a simple community in the interior of Paraguay, a city called Tavai, I come from a simple and religious family, I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, I am the 3rd son! I grew up in a town called ¨Troncal 3¨ and I lived there till I was 20 years old, I currently live in Brazil in the city of Foz do Iguaçu.
How did you first get into modeling? And how long have you been modeling?
I started in 2018 when I was 19 years old and decided to go into modeling because it has been my dream for as long as I can remember! I always liked to take pictures and so when I was of legal age, I took the modeling course and I've been a model for 5 years!
What do you enjoy most about your career?
Well, one of the things I love the most is being photographed because it's a variety of things where you run away from reality and go beyond your imagination and create amazing things, and my ability to transform myself in front of the camera!
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Photographer| Khris Rivas. |
What’s your most memorable shoot since the start of your career?
I'd have to say all my photoshoots, I love each one of them, but what made my photo go viral was through the Meet event that I was invited to participate in São Paulo, I was invited to be a photographic model by the memorable photographer Marlon Retratos, and through that my face is in several magazines and I am an eyewear brand ambassador in Spain.
What is the best thing about being a model in the fashion industry today?
One of the best things is you stand out in the adrenaline and do your best! because the fashion industry is a very competitive market!
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
For me, it was never giving up on my dream, and fighting for it even though everything and everyone said otherwise! success is a ladder you have to be careful not to fall! because we have to take one step at a time so as not to lose balance!
What gave you that motivational boost to pursue modeling as a career?
It was actually something I always wanted from a very young age, but it was my inner voice and my determination to fulfill my dream of becoming a model!
What are your other passions aside from modeling?
My other passion is photography! because I've been a photographer for 6 years, and I also love nature, connecting with the spiritual! and without a doubt travel! lool
What are some of your best tips for other aspiring models?
Never give up, because the NO you already have, and it's not because you are less capable, it's for you to improve yourself more and stand out among everyone, always give your best! and always be open to change, the fashion world is very competitive and always changing!
Any upcoming projects you are working on?
At the moment I'm in a partnership with a producer and I'm going to the capital of Paraguay, Asunción to work and do some photos!
What are your future goals, dreams, and plans?
My goal at the moment is to study theater, and my future dream is to go to Europe to work as a Model, Actor, and Photographer.
If you could change anything about the fashion and modelling industry what would it be?
Well, today I wouldn't change a thing! because after the pandemic, the fashion industry had some changes, and to be a model you have to stand out and dedicate yourself a lot! and anyone can enter the fashion world if they study hard!
How often do you Work out and what are some of your best Health and Fitness tips?
I'm going to the gym! as I'm skinny like basically everything, but when it comes to fitness it has to start with the person and their mindset, the person has to have ground rules and implement them into their daily routine. One has to be determined to change their habits and it's not just about wanting to change habits but also acting on them. Change starts with you, always remember that.
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Photographer| Luis Dalvan |
Since the start of your career what has been the biggest hurdle you have had to overcome?
Well, the biggest obstacle was not having the support of my parents! because that sucks for someone starting from scratch! but I love them unconditionally and I know they love me too, that's not what they had planned for me, but I have to follow my dreams to be happy isn't it! but with time everything is resolved and acceptance comes!
What’s the biggest misconception about the male modeling industry?
Wanting to create a male beauty standard! be fit, tall, and be a Barbie doll because not everyone is like that! and beauty is something very pre-judged and finding yourself to be of great beauty is something personal to each person, what I can say is beautiful for you can be something extremely ugly! nowadays it's not that much anymore, but it still is! we have to see the message being transmitted through each body!
Which city do you consider your favorite?
Rio de Janeiro! I love it, but I really want to visit Venice! because I think it's stunning! among thousands of other cities around the world! lool
How has the current pandemic affected you as a Male Model and also as a Person?
I had an outbreak of existence at the beginning of the pandemic! because I was used to always being surrounded by many people! and it was a shock because from one day to the next one had to be confined in his own house! and all work cease! and it made me realize how scared I am of being alone! because no one deserves to be alone in this life! although we come alone and have to leave this life alone! but it made me grow a lot as a person! thank God I didn't lose a single person to the virus, but we had a huge loss around the world and we're still having it! take care of yourself everyone and be safe always.
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