Exclusive Interview| Meet 'Dan Phalen' OTS Magazine's Male Fashion Model Of The Month.
Model and Actor Dan Phalen is the face of OTS Magazine's August 2023 Fashion digital cover issue. The cover is photographed by our recently featured photographer Daria Valiguras.
Please fully tell us about yourself and your background.
Hi, my name is Dan Phalen and I’m a 34-year-old Ohio transplant living in Miami Florida. Growing up in the country allowed me to fully embrace my rambunctious side. That being said I spent all of my time growing up playing outside getting dirty. when I got a little older I always found myself playing with the digital camera taking pictures of myself mostly being goofy I got comfortable in front of the camera. It wasn’t until I grew into my looks at around 19 that I started toying with the idea of modeling. Unfortunately, during that time, I was sleeping on friends' couches or in my car trying to just make ends meet. I decided to move to Florida in 2014 to pursue a more abundant life. In 2017 I started getting serious about my fitness and gained even more conference. It was then that I chose to pursue a modeling career and to be honest, it isn’t as easy as I thought it would be.
In your own words please describe your style as a model?
I believe my style as a model is more urban and athletic with a dash of smolder.
How big a role does modeling play in your life?
Modeling for me at the moment is just a side hustle that I’m actively trying to turn into my main source of income.
How do you prep for a shoot from an exercise and nutrition perspective? Any tricks of the trade? For how long?
I feel like my exercise in nutrition is so dialed in I just do my normal morning workout and intermittently fast.
What advice would you offer to other aspiring models who wish to set their own style and not be like everyone else?
I would say don’t chase trends just search for your most authentic personality.
Do you have an essential philosophy that guides you in your creative expression?
To get my creative juices going I find myself role-playing in my head.
There’s so much talk these days about inclusivity and diversity but is enough really being done?
I mean is there really anything wrong with being exclusive?
What Would You Consider the Most Important Components of Your Style?
The most important component of style is confidence hands down bar none.
What are some of your favorite creators/designers or brands and why?
At the moment I find myself gravitating more toward small businesses and searching for unique artists. One guy I follow @kool.Kiy for example.
Recently, we've seen that most businesses and potential agencies are hesitant to work with models, especially those who have fewer than 5000 followers on Instagram. Do you consider it fair that a significant portion of these models' careers today involves social media?
To be honest I’m a little old school and would rather not bother with the upkeep of social media. However, I can recognize how to a brand an individual with a larger audience means more eyes see the product.
I actually agree with your response, Numbers shouldn't really matter, as long as the individual stays true and authentic to their brand.
If you could change one thing about the fashion and modeling industry, what would it be?
I don’t feel like I know enough to suggest any changes at the moment.
What is the most challenging part of being a model?
For me, the most challenging part of being a model is keeping up with social media.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I would never change anything about who I am, was, or will become.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
A few things that separate me from others in the field are 'humility', emotional intelligence and I’m ambidextrous.
What’s your most memorable shoot?
So far my most memorable shoot is this one that is being featured. I had the best time with the photographer (Daria Valiguras). She was really cool and we clicked instantly.
You are right, we love Daria, she is also an amazingly talented individual.
what do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
My biggest success so far is this feature.
Becoming a model really introduces one major condition into your life which is “Consistency” , Do you think this theory is accurate or not?
As a health and wellness professional consistency is something I’ve learned was important long before stepping into modeling. Consistency is the key to success.
Is there any brand you would love to model for?
I would love to model for Nike and Gucci for sure.
What are you doing when you are not modeling?
When I’m not modeling I’m either in the gym training or at the yoga studio teaching.
Any last words you’d like to add?
What I’d like to leave you with is to remember this “You don’t need to forgive not being forgiven for anything in your past in order for you to be your happiest most successful self today”.
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