5 Essential Things Aspiring Models Should Do When Breaking Into The Industry

by - 13:31:00

The modelling industry is one of the most competitive and highly sought-after professions in the world. 
While it is an incredibly exciting and rewarding job to have, modelling is tough to break into and, for many aspiring talents, it can be difficult to know where to start. 
In addition, the way the modelling industry markets itself means it is very easy for those just starting out to be lured into illegitimate opportunities. 

As such, here are 5 things aspiring models should do when breaking into the industry, including tips on how to avoid being reeled in by potentially unscrupulous individuals and companies.
5 Essential Things Aspiring Models Should Do When Breaking Into The Industry
1.Spot a good agent over a bad one
If you haven't been scouted but still want to try your hand at modelling, you need to find an agency to represent you. 
Agencies are always looking for new talent, so reach out or submit yourself for consideration, but before you do anything you must look into potential agencies and make sure they are legitimate.

Don’t look at the top of Google, as any agent advertising is usually trying to sell something and, ultimately, an agent that is selling a service isn’t a good one. 
A good agent will make money from you via commission, so do the research and apply to the ones who suit you most.

2.Look out for scams
Sadly, there are an increasingly large number of scams in the modelling industry, particularly through the internet and social media, so it is important to understand how a legitimate modelling agency will operate. 
A way to identify disingenuous ‘agents’ are those who ask aspiring models to pay for ‘test shoots’. While it is not always the case, 90% of the time this is likely to be a scam. Scammers know exactly how to trap young and aspiring models desperate to break into the industry, so don’t believe everything you are told, and remember if it seems too good to be true that’s because it is.

3.Invest in marketing yourself
When trying to carve out a career in the fashion industry, you need to initially invest in a good portfolio as a way of marketing yourself. This can be built into your website and social media and is what will get you signed to an agent. 
Your portfolio is a collection of your best work and presents you as a professional model to potential clients. A well-constructed modelling portfolio showcases your versatility, skills, and talent. It is an essential marketing tool that can help you stand out from the competition.

It is crucial to choose the right photographer who can capture your best angles and bring out your personality. They will also make sure all the images in your portfolio are clear, well-lit, and appropriately edited. 
Secondly, include variety in your modelling portfolio by showcasing different looks such as headshots, full-body shots, editorial-style photos or even action shots. This helps clients envision how versatile you could be for their projects.

4.Look after your body
When you're a model, your body is literally your job, and your health, both physically and mentally, are highly important, regardless of whether you want to be a sports model, older model, plus sized model, or another niche. 
Ensuring you focus on your body subject to the part of the industry you wish to get into is crucial all year round, not just when a job is coming up or when you are getting ready for an interview. This means making time for self-care and looking after your mental health.

Pay attention to your skin, too. Formulate a good skincare routine that you can stick to and, if you suffer from any skin issues, it may be worth visiting a dermatologist to get it under control. No one’s skin is perfect, but having a good base will help you in your modelling career.

5.Commit to your work
Modelling may seem easy and glamorous, but that is by no means always the reality. It will take a lot of commitment on your part to become a model, so you need to ensure you are prepared to put the hard work in.
You need to be prepared to maintain a diet, fitness and beauty regime and be willing to travel internationally on long trips. You also need to accept that it may take years once signed to a modelling agency to garner success while your agency develops you as a model. 

Make sure you are aware of the possibilities on both sides, good and bad, and that you are ready to commit no matter what. 

Breaking into the modelling industry is a dream come true for many people. However, it’s important to remember that becoming successful takes hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude.
It’s easy to become discouraged when faced with rejection or criticism from industry professionals but, by having a positive outlook, you will be equipped to navigate any challenges and attract more opportunities your way. 
Remember, success rarely comes overnight, and persistence is key.

Peter Meyer - founder and managing director of The Meyer Studios.

About the Brand:
The Meyer Studio, an Award Winning Photography Business with a stunning large open-plan Penthouse Photography Studio. Although they shoot all kinds of photography, they specialise in supporting Models & Actors break into the industry with exceptional headshots & portfolios by industry professional photographers, make-up artists and stylists.

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