Lifestyle Corner: Spend Time Loving Yourself More This Year.

by - 11:48:00

The easiest way to motivate yourself and change certain results in your life is to "Unlearn" some of the habits and ideas you formerly thought would help you instead of learning new techniques to draw good things into your life.

I started this year with a mindset, and since it's working, I'm making sure to stick with it. I understand that there are things in life that we cannot predict or control, but we can attempt to control how we respond to them and turn adversity into opportunity.
Spending Time Loving Yourself More This Year.
1. Treat yourself. Love yourself.
In case totally liking oneself seems too far off, start with "acceptance". Treat yourself with kindness. Refrain from judging yourself and instead say, "That's me, and that's okay."
It might be difficult to accept that in a world where value is based on outward beauty, financial status, and personal achievements, you are valuable just for existing.

There is nothing else you require. You don't need to go above and beyond what you're doing or who you are right now. From the moment of your birth until the day you pass away, you have been and always will be enough. Every day, remind yourself that you are enough.

2. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
We are conditioned to assess ourselves against others from such a young age. But as soon as you start evaluating yourself against other people, you become vulnerable to jealousy, conformity, and low self-esteem. In actuality, your worth is infinite and unconnected to anyone else's.

Judgment is only another kind of comparison, and our perception of ourselves is reflected in the opinions we have of other people. Therefore, if you find yourself criticizing someone, attempt to come up with ways to be kind to them. You'll probably find that it's a lot easier to be compassionate towards yourself when you give to others. affection and comprehension.

3. Respect yourself and establish sensible boundaries.
You should be selective about who you let occupy your mental space; in other words, not everyone should be able to enter your personal area.
A healthy friendship, collaboration, or connection must have boundaries set and reciprocated. Thus, practice self-compassion enough to communicate to people around you what is and isn't alright with you. Setting healthy boundaries is crucial, so don't be afraid to say "No" when you truly mean it.

If you are like me then saying "No" makes you feel guilty, or it makes you feel like you are not being fair or kind, but over the years/months- I learned that saying "No" is actually a good way of setting healthy boundaries for yourself and not pushing yourself into a depressed state just because you are trying to please everyone.

4. Schedule some well-deserved, in-depth time for yourself.
Spending quality time with oneself is beneficial to any relationship. Take some time to enjoy the things in life that really bring you joy.
Take some time to learn how to be content with your own company. See a movie, do yoga, cook your favourite dish or simply curl up on the sofa with a good book. Setting aside time for oneself is crucial. Plan a lovely weekend away in advance, then simply give yourself permission to feel loved and liberated.

You don't need a cause to treat yourself, and if you can afford it, go ahead and indulge yourself without waiting for someone else to do it for you. Live life to the fullest, don't look back, and simply be free to be who you are. Whatever brings you joy and love, do it.

5. Spend time with supportive friends and those who lift your spirits.
The people you select to spend time with have a big influence on your life. Guess what happens, for instance, if you are always around people who like pointless gossip, badgering, comparing materialistic possessions, and demeaning other people? You'll continue to attract that sort of energy into your existence. If you ever make the decision to say, "STOP," I want to alter my life because I've been doing the same thing over and over again, and it always makes me feel abandoned, abused, or harmed. If you hear yourself uttering those phrases frequently, something has to change.

Choose to be the best version of YOU this year, forget about what other people think about you and only focus on what YOU think about yourself. Be good to others no matter what, and never pay evil with evil because it will only come back to you in three folds instead invest your energy in the company of good/valuable friendships.

Thus, get out your little journal or diary and get to writing. Write down your goals for the year, the things you want to change in your life, and the things you want to attract. Try to meditate on it every day or as often as you can. Trust me when I say that visualisation is realisation.

With Love,
From the Editors Desk

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