Featured: 'Music Is Freedom' - An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.

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ANGELA is a well-known Ukrainian singer, model, and activist. She was the latest beauty pageant winner "Miss Top Ukraine 2023". She discusses her latest and upcoming projects with OTS Magazine UK, including writing new music and performing at charitable events. She also shares her views on 'women's empowerment' while offering her best tips and advice to aspiring music artists globally.

Read her insightful interview below:
'Music Is Freedom' - An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.
Please introduce yourself and tell us more about yourself and your background.
It all started in early childhood with a simple desire to be happy. Songs were always associated with feelings of joy for me: when music played, everyone danced, sang, and had fun. As a child, I loved playing the roles of actresses, singers, and models. My father often called me an artist! Fortunately, with an attractive appearance and a model's walk, I found various ways to express myself. 
I chose a modeling career and started focusing more on my personal development. When I was offered to become the face of a beauty salon, I was thrilled. It marked the beginning of my earnings in the modeling industry. After successfully participating in beauty contests, I thought I would be exclusively a model, but then I began writing songs.  People who listened to my songs would ask, "When will you start singing? You have such an angelic voice! And your songs! They make you want to live." It was after these comments that I began singing and pursuing a career as a singer. 
We created a special stage persona under the pseudonym ANGELA. The songs I write are in some way connected to me. Now I know for sure: everything is possible, the impossible just takes a little more time. Currently, my Instagram account has over 3 million followers, which helps me stay connected with my fans daily.

When did you discover your love for music, and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
As far back as I can remember, I have always sung. My first public performance was in kindergarten in Zhytomyr when I was four years old at the time. My fellow townspeople still remember and talk about my first stage appearance during our encounters. My first performance as a singer in front of a large audience was on a catwalk. The event program did not state that I would come onto the stage and sing. 

It was my initiative, likely my improvisation, since I forgot the words I was supposed to say after presenting a series of swimsuits. My fellow models were immediately surprised I could sing well, as I had never mentioned it to them. A week after the show, a glossy magazine was released with my photos. The article covered the swimsuit collection, the dresses, the musical interlude of the event, and the "singing model in the image of an angel."
Now, I have more than 30 works of various formats in my creative portfolio: from Ukrainian songs to contemporary authorial and experimental music. I continue to add Ukrainian songs to my concert repertoire. I have the desire and great potential to do what I love, giving my talent and warmth to the audience. I am ready to share the secrets of professional mastery with talented youth and never forget about promoting Ukrainian national art.
An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.
Which artists inspire you?
I am inspired by both Ukrainian and foreign artists. As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the creativity and incredible voices of such divas as Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, and Madonna. I also admire artists not only as performers but also as strong-willed individuals with principles and values. This list definitely includes Rihanna, The Weeknd, Adele, Bruno Mars, and Lana Del Rey. The key qualities that help achieve the set goals are hard work, talent, and creativity.

Are there any specific themes or ideas that you like to address in your songs?
My songs cover various themes that resonate with women and people in general. My songs are about falling in love, breakups, and the need to let people go when the time comes. My latest song is about abuse. This is a very serious issue that I wanted to talk about with my listeners.

What challenges did you face in breaking into the professional singing industry? Was it difficult as a woman?
I started engaging in music when I was 8 years old. My father is a musician, so I had a role model to follow. For me, music is freedom. Music will always support you, no matter if you are young or an adult; it knows the way to every heart.
Breaking into the professional singing industry presented several challenges. One of the main difficulties was establishing my unique identity and standing out in a highly competitive field. As a woman, I faced the added pressure of meeting both industry standards and societal expectations. It was important to remain authentic while navigating various demands and opportunities. I also encountered challenges in balancing my personal life with the rigorous demands of the industry. Despite these obstacles, my passion for music and perseverance helped me overcome them and achieve my goals.
An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.
Self-expression and character are big aspects of an artist’s persona. Have you started to figure out how you wish to present yourself within the industry?
Self-expression and character are crucial aspects of an artist's identity. At the beginning of my career, I invested time in discovering how I wanted to present myself in the industry. I aimed to find a unique voice and style that reflected my personality and creativity. Over time, I’ve developed a balanced approach that combines my personal inspirations with what resonates with my audience. I need to remain authentic and genuine, showcasing my true self through my music and stage presence. I've also learned to adapt and evolve while staying true to my core values. This ongoing journey helps me connect more deeply with my fans.

When it comes to your music, what are you most excited about this year? How has 2022 been treating you so far?
I always strive to keep moving forward and never rest on my laurels. Every day, I aim to do something that benefits society and makes the world a better place. This year, my plans include recording many new songs; I've already released four tracks on various themes close to people's hearts, and I'm not planning to stop there. The year 2022 has had a significant impact on me and my creativity. It was only when I had the chance to work in my profession while also helping my country that I truly felt alive. This opportunity continues to inspire and support me.

What do you think motivates you day by day? How has this changed over the years?
What motivates me daily is my passion for music and the desire to inspire others through my creativity. Over the years, I realized that motivation also comes from the support of my fans and loved ones. They give me the energy and confidence to move forward. Another important factor is personal growth and a constant drive for improvement. Every day I seek new challenges and opportunities for growth, which fuels my desire to keep moving forward.
An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.
Growing up, how important was music in your life? Was your family and friends supportive of this career choice? If you weren’t a musician today, could you see yourself doing anything else?
Music has always been a central part of my life. My family and friends have supported me from the very beginning, allowing me to follow my dream. If I hadn’t become a musician, I might have worked in the fashion or acting industries, as they are also very close to my heart. As a child, I dreamed of becoming an artist and was confident that I would engage in creativity. The support from my loved ones helped me find my path and believe in myself.

What has been the biggest surprise so far about making music your career? What has been an unexpected or welcome challenge to it all? What has been the best part?
The biggest surprise for me has been realizing how challenging and competitive the music business is. An unexpected challenge has been balancing creativity with commercial demands. The best part of it all is seeing how my music impacts other people's lives. Additionally, I have found many new friends and colleagues who have become an integral part of my life. The most enjoyable aspect is knowing that I am doing what I love and inspiring others with my example.

Do you plan on releasing more new music and a full album of new songs any time soon?
Yes, I am currently working on a new album and planning to release several singles soon. I hope my fans will be thrilled with the new tracks. The album is in progress, and I am experimenting with new sounds and styles. Moreover, I plan to go on tour to support the new album, giving me the chance to perform the new songs live and share my music with fans around the world.

How do you feel about social media today? What do you think social media has done for your career so far?
Social media plays a huge role in my career. It allows me to be closer to my fans, sharing news and creativity with them. It’s an essential tool for promotion and communication with the audience. My Instagram has over 3 million followers, which helps me stay connected with my fans daily. Social media also allows me to get real-time feedback on my music and improve based on that.
An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.
What musicians would you love to work with in the future?
I would love to work with talented artists like Rihanna, The Weeknd, or Lana Del Rey. Their creativity inspires and impresses me. Collaborating with such artists could bring new ideas and open new horizons in my music. I would also be excited to work with producers who have a unique approach to creating music. Joint work can lead to the creation of true musical masterpieces.

At the end of the day, what do you hope people take away from your music?
I hope my music helps people find inspiration, comfort, and joy. I want them to feel the connection and emotions I put into my songs. My goal is to touch the hearts of listeners and leave a positive mark on their lives. I want my music to help people find answers to their questions and give them a sense of hope. It’s important that they feel they are not alone in their experiences and emotions.

What are your strengths as an artist? What are your strong points as an artist?
My strengths as an artist include my sincerity, emotional expressiveness, and ability to create melodies that stay in listeners' hearts. I am also proud of my hard work and dedication to music. Another important trait is my openness to experiments and willingness to learn new things. I always strive to develop and improve my skills, which helps me stay relevant in the industry. Additionally, I can interact with the audience and create a strong emotional connection with them.

What’s challenging about bringing music to life?
The hardest part is finding a balance between creativity and commercial demands, as well as dealing with the pressure and expectations from the audience and industry. Another important aspect is the need to constantly adapt to changes in the musical environment and trends. It can also be challenging to maintain your individuality and uniqueness without succumbing to external influences. The creative process requires great emotional and physical endurance, which can sometimes be exhausting. Despite all the difficulties, I always try to stay positive and focused on my goal.
An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.
What brings the most satisfaction in your work?
The most satisfying moment for me is seeing how my music affects people, whether they sing my songs at concerts or share their impressions. This feeling is priceless. I also greatly enjoy the process of creating music and experimenting with sound. My work allows me to travel and meet new people, which is incredibly interesting and inspiring. Additionally, I get immense satisfaction from interacting with my fans and exchanging energy during performances.

How do you understand happiness?
Happiness for me is being in harmony with myself, having the opportunity to do what I love, and seeing how it brings joy to others. Happiness is also being surrounded by loving and supportive people. The feeling of peace and contentment with life is what happiness means to me. Another aspect of happiness is being able to realize my dreams and achieve my goals. It’s important for me to also have the opportunity to help others and see the positive changes I can make.

What are your latest and upcoming projects?
My latest projects include releasing several singles and music videos. In the near future, I plan to release a full album and go on tour to support the new music. I’m excited about experimenting with new sounds and collaborating with different artists. I’m also working on some special performances that will allow me to connect with my fans on a deeper level. Additionally, I’m exploring opportunities in the fashion industry, which is another passion of mine.

What would you advise aspiring artists?
I would advise them to always stay true to themselves and their music. Hard work and persistence are key factors for success. Don’t be afraid to dream and work towards your dreams every day. It’s important to be open to learning and growing, as the music industry is constantly evolving. Building a strong support network and staying connected with your audience can also make a significant difference.
An Exclusive Interview with Music Artist and Model 'ANGELA'.
Please describe the term 'Women Empowerment' in your own words?
Women’s empowerment is about creating conditions where women can realize their potential and have equal opportunities in all areas of life. It’s about support, equality, and fairness. Empowerment means giving women the tools and resources they need to succeed and thrive. It also involves breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes that hinder women’s progress. Ultimately, it’s about celebrating and valuing the contributions of women in society.

What do you think is most important in this field?
The most important aspect is education and supporting women in achieving their goals, as well as fighting discrimination and stereotypes that may hinder their development. It’s crucial to provide equal opportunities and encourage women to pursue their passions and careers. Creating a supportive environment where women can share their experiences and learn from each other is also essential. Advocacy and raising awareness about women’s issues can drive meaningful change. Lastly, ensuring that women have access to resources and opportunities is fundamental to true empowerment.

What Would You Consider the Most Important Components of Your Style? And Do You Feel You Have A Signature Style?
I believe that my style includes elements of both classic and modern, with a focus on expressiveness and uniqueness. I feel that I have my own unique style that reflects my personality and creativity. My style is a blend of different influences, which makes it versatile and adaptable. I enjoy experimenting with fashion and incorporating various trends into my look. The most important components of my style are authenticity and confidence, which I try to convey through my music and appearance.

What, Who, or where do you draw your inspiration from?
I draw inspiration from the world around me, my personal experiences, art, and the music of other artists. I am also inspired by my audience and their stories. Traveling and exploring new places also fuel my creativity. Nature and different cultures provide a rich source of inspiration for my music and style. Additionally, my family and friends are a constant source of support and motivation.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
I would advise myself to be more confident in my abilities and not be afraid of making mistakes. All challenges are part of the journey that leads to success. I would remind myself that it’s okay to take risks and step out of my comfort zone. Learning from failures is just as important as celebrating successes. I would also encourage my younger self to be patient and persistent in pursuing my dreams.

What’s your beauty regime? Would you like to share some of your best beauty secrets?
My beauty routine includes careful skin care, a healthy lifestyle, and plenty of sleep. One of my beauty secrets is to always keep my skin hydrated and use sunscreen. I also believe in the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Additionally, I make sure to remove makeup thoroughly every night and give my skin time to breathe. Using natural and high-quality beauty products is another key to maintaining healthy and glowing skin.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I would like to thank all my fans for their support and love. You are my inspiration and motivation. I hope my music continues to bring you joy and inspiration. I am excited about the future and can’t wait to share more of my work with you. Also to thank OTS Magazine for sharing my story with your audience. All I can say is -"Stay tuned for more."

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